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Save 10% off all week long!
Welcome to Friday, customers! We know that safety apparel can get pretty pricey. We try to help bring that cost down for our customers, which is why we offer bulk pricing! The more you buy the more you save. If you buy 3 pieces or more within one style, your price goes down! But, want to know how you can save even more? Every week we showcase five different products and put them on sale with our coupon code WEEKLYSPECIAL. Add everything
17th Feb 2017
Savings for the whole week of January 27th-February 3rd
Welcome to our blog!This is where we update you on our Weekly Specials! Every week we put five different products on sale for you, and let you know the coupon code to help you save 10% off. This week we have some great apparel for you to save on. A vest, toque sash, gloves and a rain coat. All essentials for those of you who work outside or in a hi viz required work area. Use our coupon code WEEKLYSPECIAL in your shopping cart after you have added the eligible product
27th Jan 2017
Weekly Specials January 20th-27th
Welcome to's blog!We know everyone out there wants to save some money, and we understand that work wear can get expensive. With our already discounted bulk prices, you save a bunch! But with our WEEKLYSPECIAL coupon code, you can save more. Use the all caps code above to save 10% off the week's items.Every Friday we will change the products that are eligible for the sale, but the code will stay the same. So, visit us here every Friday, see what's on sale and take
20th Jan 2017